Understanding Anxiety
How do you know you are struggling with anxiety?
Anxiety disorder is a complex and multifaceted mental health condition that can manifest uniquely in each person. Individuals struggling with anxiety may experience various symptoms including but not limited to:
Cognitive symptoms: overthinking, thinking of worst case scenarios, constant worries, difficulties controlling thoughts/worries, spiraling, always thinking about what if’s
Emotional symptoms: feeling stressed, overwhelmed, restless, on edge, tense, fearful, sensitive, irritable
Behavioral symptoms: avoidance (through distraction, procrastinating, or avoiding triggers or situations), seeking reassurance, nail biting, fidgeting, isolating
Physical symptoms: sleep difficulties, increased heart rate, muscle tension, headache, shortness of breath, stomach problems, sweating, shaking, difficulties concentrating, nausea, fatigue, changes in appetite, frequent urination.
Anxiety can be associated with past experiences as a means of preventing a worst case scenario. Anxiety causes us to stay stuck in thinking about the past (fear of repeating negative events) or future (fear of what could go wrong) rather than what is actually happening in the present. Oftentimes, we try to mute our thoughts through different defense mechanisms and coping strategies to lessen the thoughts.
People with anxiety express their experiences in various ways. While everyone's perspective is unique, some common things individuals with anxiety might say include:
"It's hard for me to be present because I'm always thinking about what could go wrong."
“People tell me that I worry too much and that I’m thinking that it’s a bigger deal than it is.”
“I feel like I’m the only one who thinks and feels this way. No one seems to be as bothered as I am. ”
"I have trouble sleeping, and my mind won't let me relax."
"I feel like anxiety is holding me back from reaching my full potential."
"I need support in breaking the cycle of negative thoughts."
"I feel overwhelmed all the time."
"I struggle with irrational thoughts that I can't seem to dismiss."
"I feel like my worries are taking over my life, and I don't know how to control them."
"I tried to distract myself by keeping myself busy, but I'm exhausted from trying to manage this on my own; I need help."
How can therapy be helpful?
Therapy provides valuable support for individuals struggling with anxiety by helping identify triggers, work through difficult thought patterns, and develop coping strategies. Therapists assist in understanding underlying issues contributing to anxiety, building coping skills, and setting achievable goals. They can also help to lean into your emotions rather than avoiding or fighting them, so that you can respond to them in healthy ways. Therapists provide a safe and non-judgmental environment that helps clients freely explore their fears and worries. Ultimately, therapy empowers individuals to navigate stressors, reduce anxiety, and improve overall well-being.